Amra Hadžimuhamedović

Amra is the Director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage, International Forum Bosnia.
She has been the leading heritage expert in the process of implementation of Annex 8 of the Dayton Peace Accord for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and managing diverse projects of integrating cultural heritage into postwar recovery in Bosnia, Kosovo, Palestine, and Iraq. She has worked as a consultant for UNESCO, ICCROM; World Bank, ICOMOS International, OSCE, ARC-WH, and Welfare, etc. She taught History of Architecture and Architectural Conservation at the International University of Sarajevo (2010-2019), guest-lectured at the universities in USA, Europe, Arab Region, and published widely, including the books: Heritage Reconstruction and People. Integrated recovery after trauma (ed.); Heritage, War and Peace; Human Rights and Destruction of Cultural Memory (ed.); Bosnia: Destruction of Cultural Heritage (co-author).

She is a founder of HIDR (House of International Dialogue and Research) which includes ISSYH, a school for sustainable, inclusive, resilient and holistic recovery of heritage.